Extremer Verschleißschutz

Forech Impact Bars are designed to absorb impact at the loading points of Conveyor Belts, where a combination of high energy absorption and low friction is needed.
Due to ease of installation, these Impact Bars replace the conventional idler sets. The top cover is made of an Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethelene, which gives these Impact Bars a very low friction top surface. The middle portion is of a high quality energy absorbing rubber, which acts as a shock absorber at the loading zones of conveyor installation. These Impact Bars are also available with tapered ends on one side or on both sides to prevent any damage to the conveyor belt.
Forech Impact Bars come with a ‘T-Track’ fastening system, which enables variable fixing points throughout the length of the Bars. A ‘T-Track’ fastening system also makes the element adaptable to any cradle arrangement, which the conveyor installation might have.
The Impact Bars come in standard lengths of 1220mm, 1500mm and 1524mm, with top cover of UHMWPE and are supplied with appropriate number of fastener assembly depending upon length of the Impact Bar. The standard pitch of fastener is considered at a maximum of 300mm. Eg. For 1200mm/1220mm Impact bar 4 fastener assembly are recommended.
Special sizes of Impact Bars are also manufactured on special requests.
Das Gewicht des Materials kann zu einer Durchbiegung oder einem Durchhängen zwischen den Rollensätzen am Fördererzufuhrpunkt führen. Die Prallleisten werden verwendet, um Schäden am Band an den Ladepunkten zu verhindern, das Band stabil zu halten und das Verschütten des Fördermaterials zu vermeiden.
- Einfache Installation
- Hohe Schlag- und Biegefestigkeit
- Gleitbandführung
- Abriebfest
- Stoßdämpfend
- Keine beweglichen Teile, keine Schmierung, daher kein Wartungsaufwand.
- Kein Durchhängen des Riemens, kein Lauffehler des Riemens.
- Schützt den Riemen vor Rissen und Durchstichen.
- Reduziert das Verschütten.
- Extrem niedriger Reibungskoeffizient.
Farbe (UHMWPE): rot/blau
Höhe: 50/75/100 mm
Breite: 100 mm
Länge: 1.220 / 1.524 mm
050mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 10.0mm |
050mm | 100mm | 1500mm | 10.0mm |
055mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 10.0mm |
055mm | 100mm | 1500mm | 10.0mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 10.0mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 13.0mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 25.4mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 10.0mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 13.0mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1220mm | 25.4mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 10.0mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 13.0mm |
075mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 25.4mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 10.0mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 13.0mm |
100mm | 100mm | 1524mm | 25.4mm |
Belt Width (mm) | Number of Bars | |
500/600/650 | 6 | |
750/800 | 7 | |
1000 | 9 | |
1200 | 10 | |
1400 | 13 | |
1600 | 15 | |
1800 | 16 | |
2000 | 18 |
Technische Zusammenarbeit bei Gummiplatten, Material zur Reparatur von Fördergurten und Metall-Gummi-Verbundsystemen für Beläge und Flaschenzuglager.